

我希望你們會喜歡這個「觀想」或能夠把它送給你們知道有需要得到支持的朋友,這個觀想是約兩年前我有健康問題時,在床上經常做的一個練習,對我來說是有效的。而我亦很想借這次幾會感謝我在患病時關心和支持我的channelling班上的老師、同學和我的朋友。好多時侯我說話都幾刻薄,不要怪我啊 XD

這個「觀想」亦是節錄自《個人實相的本質》(The Nature of Personal Reality) 的。

Imagine yourself as a portion of an invisible universe, but one in which all the stars and planets are conscious and full of indescrible energy. You are aware of this. Think of the universe as having the form of a body. If yoyou want to, visualize its outline brillant against the sky. The sun and the planets are your cells, each filled with energy and power but awaiting your direction.


Then see this image exploding into your own consciousness, which is unbelivably bright. Realize that it is a portion of a far greater multidimensional structure structure, spread out in an even richer dimension. Feel the entity sending you energy as you send energy to your cells. Let it fill your being and then direct physically any place within your body that you choose.


