

這是一篇《個人實相的本質 -- 賽斯書》(The Nature of Personal Reality - Seth Book)的節錄,自一年多前我已經很想和基於種種可能是時間上的限制、可能是宗教、信仰上個人的理由,而未接觸過賽斯資料的朋友去分享的一些東西。當然我亦有我的借口而不主動和大家分享。不過,大家不要誤會我是在推廣《賽斯資料》或通靈現象,實質上我比較有興的是文章的內容。如果有機會的時候,我是會陸陸續續去寫或去說一些其它東西的。

Chapter 22: Affirmation, the Practical Betterment of Your Life, and the New Structuring of Beliefs

Session 677, July 11, 1973, 9:36 P.M. Wednesday

Dictation: There is certainly nothing wrong in asking for help from others when you think that you need it, and sometimes much to be gained.

口授: 當你認為你需要幫助的時候,顯然是设有什麽錯的,而有時侯的確也可以獲益良多。

There are those who make a practice of seeking aid from others, however, using this as a means of avoiding responsibility. In specific physical problems, help should be sought in areas in which you have little knowledge. But many people look to those outside themselves -- psychics, doctors, psychiatrists, priests, ministers, friends -- for the answer to overall life situations, and in so doing they deny their own abilities of self-understanding and growth.

然而,有一些人向人求助成了一種習慣,而用這個作為一個逃避責任的方法。在特定的身體(我的註:物質)上的問題,或在你设有什麼知識的那些範圍裡,你應該去尋求幫助。但許多人向在他們之外的那些人(我的註:不單指人,甚至宗教、信仰、鬼神) -- 通靈者、醫生、心理分析師、神父、牧師、朋支 -- 找尋對整個人生的情況的答案,而在如此做時,他們否定了自我瞭解與成長的能力。


(10:01) You must begin to trust yourself sometime. I suggest you do it now. If you don not then you will forever be looking to others to prove your own merit to you, and you will never be satisfied. You will always be asking other what to do, and at the same time resenting those from whom you seek such aid. It will seem to you that their experience is legitimate and yours counterfeit. You will feel shortchanged.

(10:01) 你必須在某一個時侯開始去信任你自己,我建議你現在就去做。如果你不肯去做的話,那麼,係將會永還仰賴別人去對你證實你自己的「價值」,而你永遠也不會滿足。你將永遠問別人你該做什麽。而在同時,你也會憎恨那些你從他那兒找尋這種幫助的人。因為對你而言,仿彿他們的經驗是合法的,而你的卻是偽造的,所以你將感覺受了騙。

You will find yourself exaggerating the negative aspects of your life, and the positive sides of other people's experiences. You are multidimensional personality. Trust the miracle of your own being. Make no divisions between the physical and the spiritual in your lifetimes, for the spiritual speaks with a physical voice and corporeal body is the creation of the spirit.

你將發現自己誇大你生活的負面,而誇大別人經驗的正面 你是一個多重次元的人格 信任你自己存在的奇蹟,不要在你的一生裡的實質性與靈性上作任何的區分(我的註:我們經常在不知不覺間做了),因為靈性是以一個實質的聲音來說話,而肉體是心靈的創造物。

Do not place the words of gurus, ministers, priests, scientists, psychologists, friends -- or my words -- higher than the feelings of your own being. You can learn much from others, but the deepest knowledge much come from within yourself. Your own consciousness is embarked upon a reality that basically can be experienced by no other, that is unique and untranslatable, with its own meaning, following its own path of becoming.

不要把上師、牧師、神父、科學家、心理學家、朋友的話語 -- 或我(我的註:指Seth)的話語 -- 放在你自己存在的感受之上 你可以由別人那兒學到很多,但最深的知識必須來自你自己之內,你自己的意識正踏入一個實相,那基本上是不能被任何人所經驗的,那是獨特而不能轉譯的,有它自己的意義,而追隨它自己「變為」的途徑。

